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New Ultra Lite Gis Are Here (Shop Now)

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Most of the questions you have will be answered in our FAQs. 


If you are unsure which size you need, please have a look at the SIZE CHART on the product detail page.                                             

BJJ Gi’s Men

The sizes for men Gi’s extend from A1 to A5. For some models there exist intermediate sizes, such as A2L or A2H. Sometimes a certain size is fitting in width but ideally you would need a bigger size for the length, worry not, some Gi’s have extra-long sizes in their collection (e.g. A2L). If it would happen to be the other way arround, good length but not wide enough, some collections offer extra wide modles (e.g. A2H) It will always be specified if these sizes are available.

BJJ Gi’s women

Even if the A-sizes can be worn by women, we also offer sizes especially for women. These specially adapted sizes will have a better overall fit and differ in shoulder width from the men sizes. Most brands will have the sizes W0 to W6. These are comparable to the A-sizes in length. 

Judo Gis 

For Single Weave the sizes for Judo gis extend from 0000 to 8. There are no intermediate sizes for Single Weave gis.

For Double Weave the sizes for Judo gis extend from 1 to 7 with intermediate half sizes. 

Karate Gis 

For Karate gis the sizes extend from 000 to 7. There are no intermediate sizes.

Sizes Rashguards & Spats

In order to determine the right size for rashguards, simply choose the size you would normally go for when wearing a T-shirt. Same trick for spats, choose your normal pants size. Just note that rashguards and spats are both supposed to have a tight fit. So when you have a doubt, our advice is to choose the smallest sizes


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Are you looking for a product that is not available in our web shop? Please send your request per email and we will try ordering it for you. We will send an email notifying you as soon as we get the product.


We, at FUJI Europe, are fellow martial artists and gym operators. We understand the needs of you and your athletes and have come up with an outstanding wholesale program for your business.

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