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How To Do Drop Seionage

judo | 09/19/2018

The drop seio is one of the most common throws in judo at any level. Adding a component of left on right (i.e. same-sided) complicates the technique a little bit, but does not render it overall impossible. The left on right drop seio is just as basic to execute as opposite sided, the angles just change a little bit.

Travis Stevens executes the same sided drop seio with Jack Hatton. Both men are 81kg judo players. Make no mistake, they're both strong and explosive athletes. Jack and Travis are both as serious about their time in the gym as they are about their time on the mats. Lifting is important for judo players. As is maintaining and working on the mental side of your game. And nutrition. In fact, lifestyle of an elite athlete is incredibly important.

If you're an aspiring judo player, make sure you get all parts of your life in order. It will only help you on the mats. Take it from some of the best in the game!"

Key Details To Drop Seio:

Let's get back to the left on right drop seio and the details of this technique! A few steps you should aim to follow when doing this throw follow.

  1. You MUST have inside control. You will need to make sure you have a strong post that is under your opponent's arm. When you later twist in to jack your opponent up on your toes, this positioning will come in handy.

  2. Snap your opponent to the side. Do this while moving in front. The snap and front-move will enable you to turn, create whip, and drop down through. The STEP and WHIP is the most important part. This will create the speed you need to shock your opponent and complete the throw.

  3. Drop through your opponents legs, never in front of them. If in front, they can counter easily. If through, they have no choice but to be thrown.

Common Mistakes To Drop Seio: 

The left on right drop seio can be complicated if you ever get lost in what should be done. The common mistakes you want to make sure you don't do are as follows:

  1. Dropping on the side of the leg

  2. Not making a rotation

  3. Not opening up your opponent to make a successful attack

A Final Thought

It isn't often we will tell you what not to do, but those mistakes are so common with the drop seio they're worth mentioning. Everyone has messed up throws before and ultimately, we will continue to do so. That's sport! And that's especially the nature of judo and judo throws. If you ever saw a ratio of throws tried versus throws that worked, me oh my we would all be shocked at how rarely throws actually work! That said, it is still incredibly important to practice correctly.

Take your time going through this video and make sure you really focus on what TO do, not what not to do. The left on right drop seio can be really beautiful and scary when executed correctly. Get a good training partner and drill over and over again. Be explosive, take care of yourself, and have some fun!

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