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Class Ideas for Dojos During after COVID-19

judo | 05/14/2020

Whether you're running online classes or are beginning to open for physical classes, it's for certain that the structure of Martial Arts classes are going to change for the foreseeable future. We've talked with some of the world's most successful gym owners to see what their classes look like.

Make sure that your students have the tools needed to practice the techniques you're teaching.


For online classes and in person classes we want to keep students engaged and provide value. The best way to do this is to break classes up into smaller chunks of time and to keep them actively engaged. Across most schools we interviewed, the structure goes like this:

  • Warming up (10 minutes)
    • jumping jacks, mountain climbers, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, skipping in place.
  • Circuit training (10 minutes)
    • presenting your students with a challenge like circuit training keeps them engaged - one example was 45 second circuits with 10 seconds of rest like this - for 3 rounds.
    • 45 seconds of exercise #1
    • 10 second rest
    • 45 seconds of exercise #2
    • 10 second rest
    • 45 seconds of exercise #3
    • 10 second rest
  • Technical training (10 minutes)
    • make sure that your students have the tools needed to practice the techniques you're teaching. Household items are great and make the practice novel. Also - including parents or family members always is a good idea. Helping them build a bond together helps show the value of your training and will keep them coming back.

Other things you can incorporate into your program:

  • Leadership/life skill training (youth students)
    • Whether you develop your own or buy a program, focusing on leadership/life skills is important now more than ever. Cooperation, kindness, patience, discipline, are a few examples of what themes go perfectly with what we (and the child) are dealing with. Have homework, ask questions and have rewards ready for those who excel.
  • Special workouts (all students)
    • Host workouts the entire family can do! Little to no martial arts but use your warm up and circuit routine to get families moving. Plus kids love working with their parents, find some “partner exercises” so they have to work together. The more you can do to promote family and community  - the better.
  • Game Nights / Parents Night In (youth students)
  • Coffee / Happy Hour (adults)
    • Schedule a relaxed virtual coffee and/or happy hour to sit down with members and hangout. One thing people are missing is social interaction, your martial arts school is a place where people look for that social aspect so why not bring it directly to them.