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Best Dojo Cleaning Tools for 2020 | Jiu Jitsu and Judo Gyms

judo | 05/14/2020

The cleaning strategy for your business is now larger than just keeping the floors and surfaces clean. You need to have a strategy for educating and equipping your students with the tools they need to stay clean and healthy. This is a 4 area focus for all dojos:

  • Surface cleaning
  • Air quality
  • Hand hygiene
  • Uniform cleaning for home

Every surface in your school should be cleaned with some product."

Surface cleaning:

While this may be the most straight forward of the 4 areas, it’s very important to get the right tools for the job. Every surface in your school should be cleaned with some product. From mats, doorknobs, countertops, floors, etc. No surface that has been interacted with should go untouched. 

Air quality:

Depending on the set up of your school if you have windows or not, there are two types of ways to keep the air circulating. If you have windows, consider purchasing box fans to place so the air flows or consider purchasing an air purifier/odor remover like some of these to place in your school to run during or before classes to keep the air as clean as possible. 

Hand Hygiene: 

Consider installing hand sanitizer units (wall-mounted or freestanding) or bottles placed around your school for students to use prior to entering the dojo/starting class. If supplies are limited, consider having a staff member administer sanitizer and instruct students how to apply it to preserve your supply. Here’s the article discussing hand sanitizer recommendations by the CDC

Consider even modifying your uniform policy to avoid unnecessary items inside your school (gi tops, belts, or bags)."

Uniform Cleaning:

Now more than ever it’s important to have students wash their gi and/or gi immediately after class. Consider even modifying your uniform policy to avoid unnecessary items inside your school (gi tops, belts, or bags). Students should be coming to class in their uniforms to avoid small/close quarter areas such as changing rooms and should be taking their uniform off immediately when they get home to wash it with any normal detergent used in a washing machine.